the drekkubus den
Pokoui Nation
Often called backwards in their ways, they are vaguely religion based and live off of the land heavily. They are usually welcoming to other nations, but being trustworthy with them is another story. Pokoui is known to raise some of the finest, bravest Drekkubus, and nothing tops their fire and determination. They are known for their huge competitions such as races and contests, and for their superior craftsmanship. The Pokoui people are standoffish at times, and do not trust easily. Pokoui are the toughest of the tough, and raise the strongest Drekkubus around.
Building/city description: Earth-lodges are common, large homes dug in to the side of hills with usually wooden or stone doors. The entire home may not be underground. Cave dwelling is common. Less common huts.
Territory: Pine forests, old growth forests and foothills, rocky, numerous waterfalls, caves, plunging from small mountains to towering snow caps. Miles and miles over the Pokoui snow caps, tough tundra that is difficult to survive in.
Clothing description: Leather, fur, usually minimal or no clothing. Common loincloth.
Natural resources: Mining, cheese-making in caves, corn, apples, cotton, etc.
Current leader of largest territory: Trilla and Mobi, offspring Mambo and Mamba
Disputes: Usually don't see eye to eye with the Dai’ren Kingdom. They think them too political.
How laws are governed: Council
Army details: No organized army. The warriors here would put a Dai'ren warrior to shame, but if outnumbered they could be overcome.
Notable Drekkubus: Oaka of Pokoui, probably the most famous Drekkie of all time, known for her victories in The Great Nation Wars (around 50 years ago) and bringing down the beast of Lorr Mountain.
Religion: Tend to believe in a god or goddess of The Forests, Lakes, Winter, and other things. They leave offerings for these spirits. They are not vengeful or cruel, religion in the Drekkie world is a little different than ours.
Pokoui is the coldest nation.
It has the highest mountain peaks.
Dai'Ren Kingdom
Large towers and structures built primarily from slave labor, which is now banned but still practiced and protecting by local authorities, in small regions outside the kingdom known as The Deadlands. Known for having strict inner city policies and smuggling into black markets. There are three tiers: lower, middle, and upper class. These people are civilized and are known for raising the most intelligent of Drekkies. The kingdom is known for being fun, adventurous, but notoriously mysterious... Nothing gets past these intelligent Drekkubus, but sometimes their love for order and normalcy can be overwhelming. They tend to confuse Drekkubus who are not from the city.
Building/city description: Stone buildings back to back, a bustling city of rock and dirt, this is a very large city that spans miles of the Dai'Ren territory. Inside you can find parks of grassy areas and streams.
Territory: The actual kingdom, the stone-walled area that spans for miles, is built in to a grassy but rocky and hotter terrain that precedes the canyons of Highridge. There are abundant grassy moors and rocky outcrops, and many lakes. Forests are more spare in tree volume than Pokoui or Southmarsh but there are forests, will tall trees and smaller undergrowth. This area is savanna like in most areas, though not all.
Clothing description:
Natural resources:
Current leader of largest territory:
How laws are governed:
Army details:
Notable Drekkubus:
Highridge Badlands
(high-ridge bad-lands)
Dark, "evil", canyon or desert based. Not social, and known for being somewhat cult like. Highridge have it out for Dai'ren. They practice dark arts, and prefer to stay home and not travel much. Often considered uneducated and spiteful, but cunning and skilled in manipulation. Highridge is not exactly EVIL though, travel is still permitted, and the people are not entirely cold-hearted. They are known for raising the most cunning of Drekkies. They have the best market around, and as long as you stay out of the shady areas it’s a BEAUTIFUL place to visit. Tall canyons, red rock, sandy deserts unlike any others. They are known to trade with The Deadlands via slave labor.
Building/city description: Many homes are built in to the red clay or rock surrounding much of the territory. Caves are utilized as storage. Some homes are built with wood with cloth stretched over them, very small and humble. Buildings are made with brick or stone.
Territory: Canyon and desert like territory. There are small areas that are rainforest like, oasis areas if you will, but settlements and major cities lie but in to the canyon and rock.
Clothing description:
Natural resources:
Current leader of largest territory:
How laws are governed:
Army details:
Notable Drekkubus:
Windgrass Country
(wind-grass country)
Plain based, explorers traders nomads, wind sails. These Drekkies are minimalists and believe that life is what you make of it. They would rather wander and see what the world has to offer, and only return to their knoll homes to rest. Friendly people that often trust too easily, but no one can survive a difficult situation like a Windgrasser! They are cunning and quick, lean and the most likely to help you in a time of need. Windgrass is perhaps the most beautiful of the nations, with sweeping, vast plains and small birch forests splattered here and there, rocky outcroppings and creeks galore. Windgrassers are excellent hunters. Drekkubus come from all around for the sport of hunting some of the largest game in Beryl Shad here, the Striders. [info to come.]
Building/city description:
Territory: Rolling grasslands with small patches of sparse forest, plateaus where great gusts of wind rip through the prairies. There are rocky lakes and occasionally a thick forest.
Clothing description:
Natural resources:
Current leader of largest territory:
How laws are governed:
Army details:
Notable Drekkubus:
Southmarsh Territory
(south-marsh territory)
Marshland, primarily, feeding in to Lakelands. These Drekkies are known for having waterproof guard hairs and enjoy living on the water. They're the primary source of fish for many regions, and are known for their HUGE forests and thick, deep marshlands. This is a place of great gathering, the Forest of Brann hosts the Festival of the Falling Leaves annually, along with many others. It is relatively uncommon to settle in Southmarsh, but very common to visit. Even the Highridge come for the huge festivities! Be careful in the forests and marshes here, lest you find yourself lost, never to be found…
Building/city description:
Clothing description:
Natural resources:
Current leader of largest territory:
How laws are governed:
Army details:
Notable Drekkubus:
Ren Sea
("wren" sea)
Named after the same Ren as in Dai'ren. (Dai was the original king, who was mated to Ren of the Sea.) Drekkies of the Ren Sea are classy and wise, but believe that the land will provide. They enjoying hosting travelers and beach bonfires. This land is not for everyone, the harsh autumn storms require a calm, weathered Drekkubus to handle the chaos. These Drekkubus are some of the most level-headed in the land, and are most likely to correctly handle a difficult situation. They are somewhat sophisticated, and do not like the Pokoui very much for their rugged ways. This land is a beautiful land of possibilites, and it’s often a young whelps dream to visit or live here! Like humans, who do not exist in Beryl Shad, Drekkubus often wander here once or twice a year to unwind and relax. The Ren Sea Coast is home to the Sand Festival, and many others. Many festivities occur here, but nothing like in Southmarsh. You’ll find yourself not wanting to leave this Nation!
Building/city description:
Clothing description:
Natural resources:
Current leader of largest territory:
How laws are governed:
Army details:
Notable Drekkubus: