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this side species for the world of beryl shad, the drekkubus dominated world, is new and likely to be updated. keep an eye out for additional updATES. 

Introduction to Brunties

Beryl Shad is a strange land compared to our own, from the Drekkubus that inhabit the planet to savage and wild Brunty species, the only natural predator to the Drekkubus. A Brunty (plural Brunties) is a creature that most closely resembles a dragon-deer-kangaroo-rhinoceros-beetle. Brunties are an OPEN species with less information and rules than Drekkubus. You can have as many as you want.

  • Name: Brunty (plural Brunties)

  • Pronunciation: Rhymes with grunt, blunt, then --ee.

  • Average Height: 10ft (maximum 11ft, minimum 8ft)

  • Average Weight: Approximately 2,000lbs at 10ft.

  • Lifespan: About 100 years.

  • Diet: Honey, bugs, termites, meat. Secondarily fruits, but not much.

  • Habitat: They live all over the world of Beryl Shad, but tend to live at a distance from Drekkubus. They commonly dwell in caves, because making a house is hard when you're 10 feet tall.

  • Sex Differences - Males have extremely long ear tufts and females do not. These grow in at about 6 years of age so until then it's difficult to tell at a glance. 


Den Name

The first name is called the den name. Den names always end in --pup. The den name is shed when they prove themselves in the Trial, and earn their trial name. The den name usually relates to something physical about them. For instance a bright marking might be Brightpup. A long tail is Longpup. A crescent moon marking might be Moonpup.


Trial Name

After the Trial the elders bestow the trial name based upon the life of the Brunty and his accomplishments.

  • Moonpup is a fast runner, and now he is Moonrunner.

  • Brightpup is a good climber and now he is BrightPine.

  • Longpup is a good swimmer and he is now LongRiver.


General Terms​

  • Pup - another word for young. Also called calves.

  • Stag - a male Brunty.

  • Doe - a female Brunty.

  • Trial - a proving ceremony to earn the Trial name, or adult name, usually performed at the age of 15-20 years.

  • Honeytongue - The guttural and animal like Brunty language. 

  • Crownkeeper - A settlement's leader. Crown refers to the horns, not an actual crown.

  • PoisonCraft - Classes pups attend to learn to craft toxins.

Drekkubus-related Terms

  • BoneCat - A drekkubus.

  • SmallEars - a drekkubus whelp. 

Insults or Endearing Terms

  • EverySun - A rough translation of what they call their mate sometimes. It means they wish to spend every day and every sun with the mate. 

  • StagHead - An insult, it means the horns on your head make you like a deer, unintelligent and wild. Basically it means 'you're an idiot' (Ex: "Get over here you Staghead, the town is THIS way!"

  • MouseEars - Sort of like an endearing term but almost insulting. It means you listen to sounds and scenarios like a mouse, panicked and jumpy. It basically means, 'you're paranoid' - (Ex: "Ugh, just make the kill already, Mousears!")

  • TallNeck - It means your head is up in the clouds. You're daydreaming. 


  • Body and language - Brunties are usually hunched over in appearance, but can stand to full height if they want to. They growl, grunt, bark, snarl, roar, squeak, and speak a very animalistic  language they call Honeytongue.  This can be depicted as English when roleplaying, etc. In modern English, most of the things they name are two-part words. Many villages and locations are called this. However, it seems they DO know the names of the six Drekkubus based nations, and their borders. Drekkubus are often called BoneCats to Brunties. (Young are called SmallEars.) -- Many towns are named things like FlatGrass, RedTrees, SunSands, and more.

  • Friendly? - They are generally friendly and loving to one another and have a strong pack-like mentality, but they are as a whole fairly xenophobic to other tribes or Drekkubus. 

  • Quirks or habits? - A family of Brunties will often lay in a large pile to conserve warmth. 

  • Life in Brunty Settlements?  - There usually consists of an Alpha-type buck, called the Crownkeeper. It is not unusual for the Crownkeeper to have multiple mates, like a harem. However, these creatures have no words for polyamory, gay, lesbian, as they love whom they love and that's all there is to it. Crownkeeper is occasionally a  doe. The pups are taught from a young age how to hunt and attend classes called PoisonCraft where they learn to create an astounding array of toxins to run on the tail fin. 


  • Ears - Huge and deer-like, skinny where it connects to the skull and wide and radar-like at the tips. 

  • Hands - A singular pawpad connects 3 fingers, 1 thumb.

  • Feet - A singular pawpad connects 3 toes, the middle being much larger then the other two. It is often used to kick and attack enemies, then the raptor claw on the foot is used to latch on for biting. 

  • Armour - The bare ,minimum and always required anatomy is the leg armour, 3 tail plates, and the elbow armour. You can add more, but not take away any less then the minimum. These armours are made of rough rhinoceros-like hide.

  • Nose - Extremely round, with BIG nostrils. It always has some kind of beetle horn on it, big or small. 

  • Eyes - Rounded off narrow pupil, iris, and sclera. *

  • Mouth - See diagrams below. Sharp teeth, with tusks.

  • Tail - Large and long, it drags behind them and can support their weight for kicking motions.

  • Fin - Every Brunty has a fin. These are NOT swimming fins, they are not soft and flexible but rather hard and rough like rhinoceros skin. The cracked and rough skin allows toxins to stay rubbed in to the fin's surface area, and it is often used to violently crack a wound in an opponent in the hopes to slap toxins in the wound. 

  • Stinger - A secondary defense mechanism, the stinger often is too high on the tail for tail-based stinging attacks. It does prevent attacks from the back, though. The stinger naturally leaks toxin that runs down the tail and pools in the rough skin of the fin in times of danger. This can be milked and kept for later use. (1-2 stingers max and min)

  • Tongue - The tongue can extend to incredible lengths to allow them to drink sap and honey from fruits and trees.


Special Thanks

  • First 3 Images - Michelle Egremy (ItsKarmaDharma)

  • 4th Image - Mambo Drekkie, personal character. showcasing anatomy

  • 5th Image - Mambo Drekkie, personal character, showcasing chibi sketch anatomy

  • 6th Image - Dina Christianson, personal character, showcasing LONG tongue

  • 7th Image - Michelle Egremy (ItsKarmaDharma)

  • 8 and 9th Images - Mambo Drekkie, species concepts


Free to Use Bases by Jinxit


FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) 

1. Can I make Brunty adoptables on my own bases?

  • As long as the basic requirements and anatomy are right sure, have at it. 

2. Can my Brunty be female with long ear hair, or male with short?

  • Generally the species has males with long hair and females with short and it's preferable to keep it that way MOST of the time, but yes, you can absolutely do this if you'd like. 

3. Can my Brunty be transgender, or a different gender than M/F?

  • Sure thing, of course it can.

4. Can it be a different size than then basics? (Min 8ft, average 10, max 11ft?)

  • This is basic anatomy so I would prefer not. 

5. Can I add armour (rhino like) to different body parts?

  • Sure, just remember the basics are still required. The leg, elbow, and tail armour. 

6. Can my Drekkie and my Brunty be friends, or mates?

  • In a canon scenario, no. The whole reason for Brunties to exist is to create discord and a fun interesting predator type creature for the species. They may learn to tolerate one another or be seen hunting or exploring or traveling near one another. Brunties are even allowed in some settlements and towns, mainly Dai'Ren, and are very much aware that they are being heavily watched, and a wrong move can lead to capture and death. This is very uncommon though. They would never take a Drekkubus mate in a canon scenario.  -- Now, noncanon, they can be lovers, mates, whatever you want them to be! 

7. Is the Trial name and den name required?

  • In a canon scenario, no, they would have a Trial name. Noncanon, name it Toilet for all I care. But to answer the questions solidly NO, the name is not required, you can name your own character anything you want, canon or not.

8. Can a Brunty have insect wings?

Yes, though they are too big to fly. 

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