the drekkubus den

The Black Mambo
Hi folks, welcome to the site and thank you so much for visiting! I'm Rai, there are a few names you might see me referred to as. Sometimes I'm called Rai or Rainey, which is MY actual name. Sometimes I am called Caravelle, that's my artist name. It's also one of my fursonas. You can also call me Mambo or Black Mambo, Mambo is my main character and main Drekkie. Mambo is actually male, or sometimes he has no gender, and I'm female. I know, it's confusing.
I have three main fursonas, Mambo, Tahno (a fox / gator), and Caravelle (a unicorn.) I'm 28 as of 2020, married, I have 7 cats and 1 dog. I work full time and art is a side hobby, and so is the furry fandom. I have a Bachelor's of Science in Biology.
The Drekkubus species came around in 2016, I was drawing cat skulls out of sheer boredom and then, having recently seen my friend's goats, decided to stick goat ears on there. An interesting thing was born from it, and to stick with the boney theme I gave the little creature bones on his tail. My friends loved it and insisted on wanting one, so I made a group, and next thing you know, we were taking off.
At first, drekkies were not allowed to remove the mask. Eventually this frustrated me because I couldn't put facial emotion to my character, and I lifted the ban. After the ban lift, we really rose in members, and we also became an open species.
My fursuit is made by Demiwolf Designs, a dear friend of mine, she is extremely talented and probably the next big thing in suit making, honestly. You should check her out.
I hope to see you at cons!