the drekkubus den

Our World: Beryl Shad
Welcome to learning about the world of Beryl Shad. Here we'll break down the 6 nations into something easily interpretable.
You may find artwork here, video game images, or googled photography that's all credited to the best of our ability. Sometimes the internet is unforgiving and the artist name is lost, but we'll do our best. The purpose of these images is to inspire you and help you understand the aesthetics of each region. They are not meant to be directly spot on representations.
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The Pokoui Nation

Often called backwards in their ways, they are vaguely religion based and live off of the land heavily. Usually welcoming to other nations, but being trustworthy with them is another story. Pokoui is known to raise some of the finest, bravest Drekkubus, and nothing tops their fire and determination. They are known for their huge competitions such as races and contests, and for their superior craftsmanship. The Pokoui people are standoffish at times, and do not trust easily. Pokoui are the toughest of the tough, and raise the strongest Drekkubus around.

Territory Description:
Pine forests, old growth forests and foothills, rocky, numerous waterfalls, caves, plunging from small mountains to towering snow caps. Miles and miles over the Pokoui snow caps, tough tundra that is difficult to survive in.
Living Situation Description:
Earth-lodges are common, large homes dug in to the side of hills with usually wooden or stone doors. The entire home may not be underground. Cave dwelling is common in the foothills. Homes built from pine or animal skins common. Heavily insulated homes, winter is harsh and unforgiving here.
(Image Credit: Horizon Zero Dawn)

Clothing Description:
Leather, fur. Common loincloth. Feathers and bones. Often carrying tools, bows and arrows, and knives.
Natural Resources:
Mining, cheese-making in caves, corn, apples, cotton, etc.
Current Leaders:
Trilla and Mobi, offspring Mambo and Mamba. Most decisions and actions taken in the village are made by the elders, a sacred group of matriarch faes called The Dawn Council. They live in the main village, in Tir Lok. Trilla, a fae, is the Chieftess, and her mate Mobi, a drake, is the Chief, they handle more trivial business.
(Image Credit: Horo Shizuki)

Stats and Facts:
Organized Army: No, but when properly rallied, these warriors can overtake almost any nation, unless outnumbered. One on one, a Pokoui would usually win in a fair fight.
Temperature: Frigid and unsuitable for life in some places, chillingly cold in most places, cold but not unbearable in the valleys leading to other nations.
Religion: Tend to believe in a god or goddess of The Forests, Lakes, Winter, and other things. They leave offerings for these spirits.
Pokoui is the coldest nation and has the highest mountains
The legend of Oaka of the Pokoui is a popular story here, about how she slayed the beast of Lorr mountain, the highest peak in the world.
Disputes: The Pokoui are somewhat xenophobic as a whole, some villages more welcoming than others. The valleys are usually safe for travelers but you might find yourself in trouble over the peaks. They do not like Dai'Ren Kingdom residents.
(Image Credit: Hrvoje Beslic.)

Regional Notes:
1. Ravenwick - a forested state, a nice mix of bitter cold to the west and bearable chill in the east. Valley like, mountainous with small peaks. Home to the capitol village of the Bird Clan, Tir Lok.
2. Mossmoore - very similar to Ravenwick, but smaller mountains that degrade into chilly hills and rocky slopes. Corn and apple traders.
3. Blackwood - the most forested state.
4. World's Edge - slightly warmer temps. Mostly a peninsula and surrounding by chilling ocean. Provides a strong fish trade.
5. Shiverridge - the name for the mountainous area of high peaks with brutal cold. Some ceremonies and competitions occur here. Difficult to cross for foreigners.
6. Retzia's Fell - small population, low on food, extremely cold in winter, like a tundra, has nice wildflower blooms.
7. Snowburn Islands - secluded and the coldest area of the world. Very low population, some of which aren't even aware of the outside world.
8. Rimekeep Island - Seasonally very cold, but bearable in the south. Mysterious island not well explored.
9. Pinebreach - A mix of high unforgiving peaks and pine forest. Cotton traders,
10. The Bay of Exile (islands) - Exiled Drekkubus, shunned from their tribes, are often forced to go here. There is no way back unless you sailed there illegally, but the residents would likely slaughter you for goods.